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Abby's Diary | The Four Why's to Success

I found a quote that said

“For true success ask yourself these four questions:”


Why Not?

Why Not Me?

Why Not Now?

- James Allen

Success/noun/: the accomplishment of an aim or purpose


The question why, is an awesome place to start when you need to make a decision regarding whether doing something will help make you set a goal. Why do I want to do this? Why is this important? Why does it matter now?

Think back to any car ride with a small child asking you “Why are we going to the grocery store?” “You in turn respond “because we need milk?” The child then says “but momma why do we need milk?” And you reply “So you can have it for your breakfast in the morning.” They say, “Why can’t we eat breakfast for dinner?” And you reply “Because daddy likes to eat steak for dinner!” ……. And the cycle could go on for infinity, almost to the point of keeping you paralyzed at just the very first step to success, so clearly you must move to the next question, why not.

Why Not?

When you ask the question why, have someone tell you all the reasons why not or come up with the answers to your own questions as to why you shouldn’t do something. One of the best answers I can remember getting as a child, or guiltily responding as parent to a why not question was: Because I said so! That pretty much meant end of discussion because I am the authority.

As an adult however, we can stop at that point with all the reasons why others think you shouldn’t do something, and accept that everyone else is an authority on your life, and quit, or you can take a calculated and educated risk, having all the reasons why you should or shouldn’t do something, and decide for yourself, to take a leap of faith and do it anyway.

Why Not Me?

Congratulations if you have managed to convince yourself to progress to level three and ask yourself “Why Not Me?” You are at the halfway point to becoming a success! Honestly though, this is where we lose the majority of people even if they made it this far. Want to know why? The reason is plain and simple. This is where the rubber meets the road and everyone jumps off the success bus because it’s where the hard work starts and may not end for weeks, years, decades, or ever. Continuous effort may be required. But this I know for sure. One year is 365 new opportunities to make you what you envision yourself to be! Whether your success goal is dieting, attracting a new partner, getting that dream job, finding your purpose, if you don’t keep trying I guarantee it won’t ever be you. So why not take at least a small step every day to get closer to your goal.

Why Not Now?

If not now, when? Successful people don’t play it safe! Winners take chances! Success or failure at this point is just one step away. You’ll never know what could have been if you let your chance go by. You’ll never know what tomorrow could bring if you don’t even try.

Go on and ask yourself these four questions why. The way I see it, I’m just one click away from a new client, a speaking engagement, a Magazine article, or a National TV appearance on Good Morning America or The Today Show, taking my book to The New York Time’s Best Seller’s list! Why Not Me? Why Not Now? It Could Happen!

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